Friday, March 25, 2016

How to Prep a Conference Presentation

Congratulations! You have a speaking gig at a conference coming up. Your only problem? Now you have to prep your presentation for what you hope will be a huge and welcoming audience.

Where do you begin? Hopefully you have identified the topic to speak on and have sketched out your content, but now you need to take some action to prevent your presentation from becoming the snoozefest in the middle of the conference.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Key Metrics to Guide Your Online Marketing Efforts

To grow your business, you already know that you have to engage in marketing. So you spend time building campaigns and running ads across various platforms. You write killer content for your content marketing efforts. You hit your social media platforms with targeted posts and ads.

But how well do all of your efforts perform?

You want to just sit back and relax while your lead and sales metrics climb exponentially like the graph above, right?

Without appropriate tracking and metrics, how can you alter your investments to put more effort where it will have the most impact?

Thursday, March 10, 2016

How You Need to React to News of a Merger or Acquisition

I've been in several conversations over the past two weeks given some news that a company where many of my friends work will soon be acquired. I thought that I might be a good idea to put some thoughts down on what to do if you're faced with the news that a merger or acquisition looms in the future for your employer.

After all, change is hard and changing a job situation can be one of the most stressful experiences that a person can endure.

However, staying in the same place won't guarantee you freedom from stress. In fact, this article on CBS News from 2014 reviews survey results showing that forty-two percent of Americans opted for a job change due to workplace stressors.

So what can you do with so much uncertainty?