Monday, July 25, 2016

How To Take Advantage of the Next Technological Disruption

Every so often, a technology change comes along that disrupts life as we know it. Sometimes, adopting the change costs so much that individuals cannot really capitalize on it without already having huge sums of wealth at their disposal. Take the first computers, for example. These giant monstrosities filled rooms and were substantially less powerful than today's mobile phones, but were so expensive that only governments and high end research facilities really had the funds to utilize them. Over time, though, additional technological developments made them ready to mass market, and the technology that allowed the personal computer to exist spawned several companies ready to take advantage of that breakthrough, such as Microsoft and Apple.

Monday, July 11, 2016

What Evernote's Policy Changes Mean to Me

I love Evernote.

Granted, sometimes I will admit I occasionally may use it as a dumping ground for things I am sure I will "get to later" only to forget to ever get around to them. But when I recall seeing something somewhere, chances are I have stashed it in my Evernote account. Over the last couple of years, I have managed to cram quite a bit of stuff in there, which formed the basis for my panic over the note that I received earlier this week around Evernote's change in policy to limit free users to two devices.

After reading more about the changes, though, I decided that the change will not particularly impact me as much as I originally thought. Still, my routine must change a little, as yours might, so here is a go-forward plan that you can feel free to adapt for your own use.